Massage Therapy of Temecula (858) 336-6566
Assisting your healing journey. Pain reduction/relief, Stress management by Myofascial Release by John F. Barnes, PT.,LMT's approach, and Integrated Therapy provided by Ayako Kobayashi Knowles (LMT, HHP, CLT)(858)336-6566

About the Therapist


Ayako Kobayashi Knowles (Koko)

Licensed Massage Therapist as a

Certified Massage Therapist by State of CA,

California Massage Therapy Council                                                                    

Myofascial Release Practitioner  
(John F. Barnes, PT. LMT's approach)
Completed required seminars to qualify
advanced practioner catagory in June, 2012
Myofascial I, Myofascial II, Cervical Thoracic, Unwinding,
Advanced Unwinding, Fascial-Pelvis, Rebounding,
Women's Health,  Skill enhancement (1 week of
internship at the treatment center)
Certified Lymphedema Therapist
Completed 135 hours of certification training for Manual
Lymph Drainage (MLD) and  Cpmplete Decongestive
Therapy for Lymphedema management. 
(completed 8/2012)
 The course was held by Academy of Lymphatic Study
in Florida.
Reiki Practitioner
Holistic Health Practitioner
Certified Member of Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (Since 2007)

Holistic Health Practitioner (Completed

 more than 1000 hours of school curriculum

with different modalities including anatomy)



Participated in various Myofascial Release

Seminars under direct supervision of

JohnF. Barnes, PT, LMT (JFBMFR)

Completed Skill Enhancement Seminar at

the Myofascial Release Treatment Center in

Sedona,AZ (2011), participating in

intensive treatment of various patients

with John F. Barnes, PT, LMT and his

advanced-staff therapists.

Repeating seminars since 2010, Myofascial

I, Myofascial II, Cervical Thorasic, Fascial

Pelvis, Unwinding, Advanced Unwiding,

Rebounding, Fascial Cranium, Healing Seminar, Myofacial

Release Equine I, Skill enhancement

Seminar, Women's Health, Pediatric Myofascial Release

(Totaling over 430 hours as of 11/2021)


Completed Lymephedema Management

Certification Course by Academy of

Lymphatic Study Institute in FL

 (8/2012, 135 hours, consists with

 Manual Lymph Drainage and

Complete Decongestive Therapy)




Orthopedic Massage Integrated

Therapy by James Wasalski, LMT,

President of Pain Management Center in

Dallas Texas

5 day Intensive        -10/2013    40 hours

upper body seminar - 2/201       20 hours

lower body seminar - 2/2015      20 hours



Massage Cupping Therapy

20 hours - 2/2015                     


 Kobido Japanese Facial Massage 

Attended to the seminar level 1-3 in Tokyo Japan, (8/2015)

the Seminar was taught by  

26th generation Master Dr. Shougo Mochizuki 



Visceral Manipulation (Barral Institute)

VM 1 -  Abdomen  (24 hours) 6/2016


VM 1 - Abdomen (24 hours) 12/2016


VM 2 - Abdomen  (24 Hours ) 1/2017


VM Listening Technique 1 (18 hours)  2/2017


VM 3 - Pelvis (24 hours)  5/2017


VM 2 - Abdomen (24 hours)  6/2017 


VM 4 - Thorax (24 Hours) 12/2017


VM Listening Technique 1 (18 hours) 1/2018


VM VM 5, Thermal Evaluation (24 hours) 5/2018


VM Listening Techniques 2 (18 Hours) 10/2018


VM 5, Manual Thermal Evaluation (24 Hours) 2/2019


VM 6, Visceral Emotional Relations (24 Hours) 5/2019


VM 2 - Abdomen(24 Hours) 10/2019


VM 3 - Pelvis (24 Hours) 4/2021


VM1 - Abdomen (24 Hours) 8/2021


VM4 - Thorax (24 Hours)  11/2021





Chikly Health Institute 

Lymph Drainage Therapy 1 - (24 hours)  2/2018


Craniosacral Therapy (Upledger Institue International)

CS1  - 6/2018

CS2 -  7/2019





My Philosophy and 

Approach to the Therapy:

When you have pain, it is a signal that the

  body is warning you that something is not

right.  That is, something is off balance.


I carefully listen to what your mind

and body tell me.  I analyze your whole

body structure, check ranges of motion to

see which muscle groups may be

contributing to the cause or causes, and

ask the history of your condition(s). I will

treat the area with the symptom(s) and

also treat the potential pain-causing areas,

to provide better results.

Palpation and observation of your tissue at

a whole-body level is also very important.

The human body has its own wisdom to

heal if there is a good balance to function

harmoniously.  In our busy

lifestyles, stress, scar tissue, repetitive

motions, trauma, bad posture, and so

on can be reasons of  connective tissue

restriction by hardening and adhesion.


That will lead to pain, tightness, limited

ranges of motion and other disorders in our

bodies not be seen on an X-ray or MRI.

 Also, I strongly believe the mind and body

are connected and give strong effect to

each other.  

Sometimes, your traumatic experience or

deeply stressed emotion can be strongly

connected to the pain and other problems.


That is why I am specializing in Myofascial

Release. This method takes a whole-body

approach.  It has been giving myself and

my clients much better results for pain

relief. With MFR, I can feel their tissue

softening better than when just doing deep

tissue massages.

Once the softening occurs, that is the

indication of fluidity getting back to

tissue.  That means more circulation,

supply of nutrients, oxygen, better lymph

flow, and an increase in movement of waste

and toxins which have been released in the

system. When this result is achieved,  I can

reach deeper layers without forcing the

strong pressure on the surface with other

massage modalities.  

When the  tissue change happens in your

body, it is like a ripple on the water, it will

slowly spread. The body will show us the

connection and other restrictions  by

changing the color or temperature, or

simply put, you may feel the sensation or

radiating feeling apart from where my

hands are.  We follow the "body

wisdom" -- like putting puzzle pieces

together one by one.  When the client is

truly open-hearted and ready, some

emotional release can happen.  This could

be a key to the healing for some people.


I can work with specific modalities by your

request or by integrating different

modalities.  My goal is always to meet

your needs and goals from the session.



 I am here to stand by you to start your

Healing Journey

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
© Copyright 2025 Massage Therapy of Temecula (858) 336-6566. All rights reserved.